Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Erik Price Internet Search

I started out this search by looking at my hometown through the NYT census project. Unsurprisingly, I found out that my neighborhood growing up in New Jersey was overwhelmingly white and well educated compared to the rest of the country. My current neighborhood is about 86% white with 73% of residents making less than $30,000, which makes sense considering that almost everyone living here is a college student.

Annoyingly, there are a bunch of "Erik Price"s and we're apparently all software developers, so it ends up being a mad rush every time a new service comes out to get the "erikprice" user name. The main Google results for my name end up being links to whoever got that username first. So for example the only facebook and twitter results are for another Erik Price. My personal site and a couple of my accounts end up on the first page. Most of the other results are talking about Erik Price the judge or Erik Prince, apparently the founder of the Blackwater PMC. Searches for my emails mostly end up revealing things I've written and publicly distributed, which fortunately is intentional. My social profiles are pretty locked down, so there's not a ton other than my profile picture and education that people can see without being friends with me.

Overall, I didn't find anything too shocking in the results. Someone searching for me would mostly just end up finding out that I am a software developer, which is exactly what I want to share. I did find a pretty lousy picture of myself from my work freshman year though.

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