Friday, October 17, 2014

Vannevar Bush and Memex

In this piece regarding Vannevar Bush's idea of the so-called 'memex', it is discussed how this concept was seen as a breakthrough revelation and that it led the way to further thinking processes and technological advancements. Though the memex never did catch its big break, the author makes a valid point in that Bush's push and immense hope for a technology so big as this, could happen even if not in the intended form. Reading this short article, it makes me think how far our society has come; from the 1940s being a time where a device such as a memex was outrageous to now where we can contact others, use social media, and look up information at the tip of our fingers. I completely agree with what the author is saying here, Bush implemented a thought provoking concept which led to others to go out and make this kind of technology happen. In my opinion, it is not the fact that the memex itself never came about, but what holds the most salience is the aspect of looking at how far we've come since the times around WWII.

Works Cited

Jen Erickson


  1. I also find it very interesting to see how far we in society, especially in the technology field, have come. Bush would be shocked at the technology we have available today at the push of a button.

  2. I agree with what you have to say here Jen. It makes me wonder if it was inevitable for our society to be so involved with the world wide web or not. So many different things, like the publishing of Bush's article, contributed to the developments of today. Times have changed so much in the past 50 years and it makes me curious what our social and work environments will look like in another 50.
