Friday, October 24, 2014

Google Search: Matt Petrosky

I found this assignment to be very interesting to see how I am perceived on the internet and the size of my presence on the internet. I looked up my address and phone number and the results were not that surprising. It was quite interesting to see the size of my town and other economic facts about my town as well. Some of the data was surprising in that many of the percentages were higher than I thought they would be. My suburb is also very similar to neighboring suburbs indicating that the general area is almost the same other than some demographic changes. The income distribution for my area was very interest because I thought most people's income would be closer to the median/average. In reality it is more heterogenous that I expected.

When searching for myself on the internet I found very few of the top hits were of myself. As it turns out there are a lot more people who share my name than I thought. The only search hit that was actually myself was my Twitter account. The rest of the pages were of people who had a larger professional impact in their fields. I found one person who shared my name who is a camera operator in Hollywood. His results came up much more because of the grandeur of the movies and TV shows he has worked on. I also found many of the hits are from Facebook and other social media websites indicating that most people are found on the internet through social media rather than a professional network. The depiction of me on the Internet is accurate since I am a just a college student from suburban Philadelphia.

1 comment:

  1. I also found similar results after Googling myself. Someone really famous who share a similar name with me actually popped up. I agree that searching social media websites is a good way to learn more about someone.
