Sunday, October 26, 2014

Jonathan JD Keiles - Internet Star?

After doing some research on the internet about myself, I wasn't too surprised about the results that I found. Years ago when I first started getting into the internet, I didn't think twice about posting whatever I wanted to post online. About a year ago I started realizing how when you post something online it is there for anybody to see and it will never go away. This fact was concerning for me so now I take more precaution from posting anything too crazy. After searching my name the first thing that came up was my Twitter. I was a little surprised by that because on twitter I go by JD Keiles when my actual name is Jonathan.  So now I know that it is so easy for somebody to read any of the thousands of tweets I have had in the past. Overall my internet persona does not portray anything too shocking about me. By using my phone number, anybody could find out where I live or where I even go to school. With this information they can make judgements about who I am just because of the town I came from and the demographics of it. I was able to find out who my entire family was through stalking myself, especially my mother who uses facebook frequently. It is concerning that today we live in a place where the only time you know you're having a  private interaction is when you're face to face. My other concern, and only real concern, is that I cannot see how much my behavior online is actually visible. My "data" is very valuable from an advertisement stand point and I can't even see what that persona of me looks like to advertisers. Overall, after exploring myself online I realize that it is very important to watch what you post because people might define you by your posts and not actually by who you are as a person.

1 comment:

  1. Wow I found it very interesting how you could find out a lot about your family through stalking yourself. It truly shows the power of association on the internet and especially social media sites. Anything can backfire on you including the people you know.
