Sunday, September 28, 2014

"Nation at your fingertips"

This video focused on the creation and development of the telephone. It was funny to see how amazed the reaction was to this technology in this time was, when in present times we have the opportunity for constant communication with anyone in the world at any time. This video on the information technology relates to the Information Society class because it shows how transportation of communication was evolving, and the reaction of the public to this. It is also interesting to compare this advancement to advancements and present forms of technology present now.

The video began with an older couple receiving news by letter that their new grandchild had came down with the measles. She decides to use her new telephone to call her daughter across the country in San Francisco to make sure everything is okay. This part of the film uses Pathos to play on the emotions of the viewers to enhance their positive viewpoint of the telephone.

The video then continues on into an explanation of how the telephone system works with the "boy operators" working hard all day, and then transforming into new "girl operators" working the system. Another aspect that was comical about this film is the stress on gender roles in jobs during this time. The film goes on to explain the new computer-like system that controlled this telephone technology. A piece of paper would come out of the machine with codes that would need to be deciphered by professionals. Phone numbers were described and area codes were created.

Telephone communication began with across-town communication, spread to across the country, and eventually across oceans. The video displays people using the telephone in excitement. This new technology that enabled communication transportation without people having to physically travel was amazing in this time. It is interesting to compare this to present times when phone calls are one of the many fast forms of communication available.


  1. I thought this video was very interesting! It was a lot different seeing a video that had sound and dialogue in it. I thought the most interesting thing in this video is the clip it has of the couple receiving news by letter. It represents how life was back in that time very well, and I prefer learning about that time through real examples instead of just a plain documentary and background talking. This video gives a lot of solid background information on the development of the telephone. I think it's interesting also how they talk about the "snowball effect" of the telephone, and growth of operators. I really enjoyed this vintage film!

  2. this film had an idea of something that is so simple to us today and yet at the time it was revolutionary. Being able to call someone across the country by having a three digit code for their area was genius at the time. Now we walk around with our tiny cell phones and can make calls across the world like it is no big deal. Also, this was very interesting because I had never realized how complicated the whole system was. All the the translating and moving cords is complicated and intricate. I thought this was a great choice

  3. I really enjoyed this video. I thought that it was interesting how it talked about the development of the telephone creating jobs. It is interesting to think of how new technologies effect the job market. Some create new jobs, some change or modify work, and some replace workers.
