Thursday, September 25, 2014

"Work Pays America Part 1"

Following my viewing of "Work Pays America Part 1",  what catches my eye as a relation to the information society is the appearance of jobs in America and how they came about. With the building connections of rural to urban life, the demand for easy transportation was crucial in reaching markets, and thus provided employment to skilled workers to create efficient highways, railroads, and bridges. Also, the emergence of airplanes led to more employment in regulating air traffic and airports themselves, the most popular airports being in Newark, New Jersey and Chicago, Illinois. Along with jobs given in the manual labor realm, white collared jobs sprung up in a multitude of ways. For example, with the new highways being built, there was a need for traffic viewing: someone to track the number of cars on the streets at certain times, and find new routes, and regulate who is on the roads to lessen human failure.
For women, careers in sewing opened up, offering them more stagnant positions. This appealed to many women because they were able to express their creativity through fashion, all while earning an income.
Another huge factor was the salience of education. Not only were children starting their education at a younger age, but adults were given the option of attending higher level and vocational schools as well. These vocational schools initiated the students to learn to utilize their natural skills.
With the presence of employment creation, and more educational opportunities. the information society is represented through the advancements in technology and new knowledge gained through these advancements. The information infrastructure from back in the "Age of Affluence" prefaces our society today in that the opportunities given our immense, and growing. It is not only about whether individuals are skilled nowadays, but do they have the technological, and vocational knowledge to succeed economically and satisfactory.

Jen Erickson


  1. I find the video really interesting. It shows how construction of new infrastructure and facilities can benefit the society as a whole. Construction not only helps the transportation across America, but also creates jobs. We can also see how education becomes highly appreciated as the need of skilled workers rises. Finally, the improvement of education sector also affects other sectors, notably healthcare.

  2. After watching both the first and second part of the video, I really liked what they had to offer. Your response to the video seemed very accurate. The content in this video really just boiled down to one word: efficiency. American's can all benefit from more efficient systems of learning, travel, shopping, and much more. The internet and its quickness today is really indicative of this fact. Overall, I liked how this video focused on the future and how American's need to try to be the best possible citizens they can be in order to live the best possible lives they can live.
