Monday, November 24, 2014

Online Presentation: Caroline Kreul

I think that my blog posts accurately reflect how I communicate in real life. My blog posts are relatively eloquent, concise and to-the-point. I also have a tendency to relate my blog posts to things that I have learned in other classes--something that I tend to do in discussion as well.

Of all of my blog posts, I think the ones that showcase my personal writing style and voice best are the introduction we wrote at the beginning of the semester and the writing in which we defined and wrote about a term relating to the information society. It's understandable that the introduction reflects my personal voice as it was a mainly free-form piece that was supposed to introduce our unique selves to the class. The Search Engine Optimization post is a great example of me taking terms from other classes and using them here. I have gone in depth with SEO and how to utilize it in the online world, which is why I thought to use the term for the assignment.

1 comment:

  1. My blog posts also show how I communicate in real life. Similar to you, I always try to make my blog posts concise and to-the-point. I think that is important to ensure that readers can capture the ideas communicated and also enjoy reading them.
