Sunday, November 30, 2014

Online Presentation of Myself

When looking back over all of my blog posts over the course of the semester I did not notice too many differences between how I present myself online in the blog versus how I present myself in other aspects of LIS 201. In my writing I always try to convey my honest ideas and the same thoughts and ideas that I would be willing to say in person in class or discussion. The only real difference that I noticed was that I tend to be a bit more argumentative in my online writing and I pose more questions and consider things more than I do tend to do in person. When in person I tend to be more agreeable with everything and I don't raise questions or arguments all that often. I wouldn't necessarily say that one appearance is more of my true self than the other, but rather a combination of the two are. I think that I can tend to over-think things when writing online as I can go back and consider what I have written multiple times before posting it so I tend to be more argumentative and critical as I think about stuff a lot more than I would normally. However, when I am very agreeable in person I think that is because I tend to be a somewhat quieter person and don't always express my full opinions in person. So if you take these two different representations of myself and put them together I would say that would be the most true representaion of myself. In terms of showcasing my talents best I would say that my online writing has done that more because I have more space and time to say everything that I want to say and I'm not constrained as much by time limits as I am when talking in person.

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