Sunday, November 23, 2014

Online Presentation

After reading through all of my blog posts on our sections website, I feel that I have presented myself through my online writing in a realistic way.  Throughout my scholarly career in LIS 201, I have presented myself in a few different ways.  The blog posts are a casual way of writing, where you get a deeper look into my personality than compared to the formal written assignments or exams.  The formally written assignments showcase my writing abilities in a more structured and serious manner.   Lastly, in discussion section, in person, I am more reserved.  The self-presentation that I feel best represents myself is the online blog posts.  Through a less formal writing style, I can show my opinions and remarks on topics discusses in lecture and discussion.  Despite this, I feel that the formal written assignments showcase my talents the best.  When writing those, I take more time to perfect what I am saying in order to do the best that I can on the assignment.  I can defiantly work on trying to make these three presentations more similar, in order to present myself in one way in my scholarly career. 

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you in that formal writing assignments less show an individual's personality when writing. A good thing about this course was the ability to not feel held back by a grade when writing of our experiences or opinions.
