Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Weekend Digital Disconnect Experience

I'll be honest, I completely forgot about this challenge for most of the weekend. I had it in my mind going in to the weekend, but come Friday night I needed to set up plans with a couple of friends and getting information and coordinating multiple people who live pretty far apart actually wouldn't have been possible without sending and receiving at least a few texts. I always tend to be a last minute kind of person when it comes to planning things, so I don't think Halloween really made all that much of a difference. If I couldn't rely on my phone / facebook / ..., I would definitely need to be more organized and make these kinds of plans much, much earlier.

If this assignment revealed anything to me, it's simply how unconscious and natural the use of these digital communication tools is now. Even though I knew about this assignment in the back of my head, I didn't even notice when I looked at a text or facebook until Sunday night, when I again looked at my list of assignments for the weekend. Oops.

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